

Laragon Home Page What is Laragon? Laragon is a portable, isolated, fast & powerful universal development environment for PHP, Node.js, Python, Java, Go, Ruby. It is fast, lightweight, easy-...


ShareX Main Windows Sharex » Screen capture, file sharing and productivity tool Features Capture screen Record screen Upload ocr barcode shortln more … Other: Free, Open ...

VSCode Snippets

Create & Config ctrl+shift+p type snippet select for global or for current workspace create snippet example for yaml frontmater { "front-matter": { "prefix": "fmt"...

Ubuntu WSL 2

What is? https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about Install & Config https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-on-wsl2...

adonisjs 5 - auth

/** * filename: /app/modules/User/routes.ts * atau : /start/routes/user.ts * import to start routes.ts * * import '/app/modules/User/routes.ts' * or * import './routes/user.ts' */ import ...